Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

  • BQR INSA CROME 12/2013-12/2016

    Participants: Fabrice Valois

    The partners in this project are the CITI DynaMid team and LIRIS. The project studies the coordination of a fleet of mobile robots for the multi-view analysis of complex scenes.

  • BQR INSA ARBRE 12/2011-12/2013

    Participants: Hervé Rivano, Fabrice Valois

    The partners in this project are the LIRIS (database), EVS-ITUS (social science) and CETHIL (energetic models for buildings) . The project studies wireless sensor networks deployments from different perspectives. An objective is to provide enough data to calibrate energetic models for buildings with human activity. Another is to study the behavior of people working in monitored zones, in particular with respect to the way data are accessible, represented and navigated. Last is to obtain link quality statistics from a practical deployment with real traffic.

  • Labex IMU Priva'Mov 10/2013-10/2016

    Participants: Djamel Benferhat, Razvan Stanica, Hervé Rivano

    The partners in this project are DRIM LIRIS, Inria Privatics, INSA EVS, and LET ENTPE. The aim of this project is to develop and deploy a crowdsensing platform to collect mobility traces from a sample of real users equipped with android devices, while carrying research on privacy preservation issues. Our contribution consists on developing the platform and using the collected data to analyze cellular network offloading strategies.

  • ARC 7 animation action "Smart Cities Days" 12/2013

    UrbaNet organized the Smart Cities Days are on the 17th and 18th of December 2013 - http://www.citi-lab.fr/seminar/journees-reseaux-et-smart-cities-17-et-18-decembre-2013/ .